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Campeonato pernambucano Blitz - Garanhuns (PE)

Last update 23.10.2024 14:11:21, Creator/Last Upload: AXBV2018

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Starting rank

1NMRoberto Calheiros de Miranda Junior63532109417BRA21821850Recife
2Jose Roberto de Araujo14772117754BRA20851740Recife
3Hilton Vilarim de Souza Neto325712124033BRA19021928Recife
4NMPaulo Jorge Alves Bezerra de Moura63432116693BRA18811822Garanhuns
5Maria Isabel Queiroz dos Santos36766BRA18671808Vitoria de Sto Antao
6Alvaro Wendell de Araujo Ferreira92233BRA01800Sao Joao
7Jose Ribamar de Souza Neves3043BRA01800Recife
8Lucas Rodrigues de Oliveira6678444706170BRA01800Garanhuns
9Marcos Antonio Maracaja de Castro69322131587BRA01800Garanhuns
10Marlysson Luan dos Santos Azevedo8478244769997BRA01800Garanhuns
11Paulo Henrique da Silva Mendonca8458944770065BRA01800Garanhuns