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Finnish Championship 2013

Last update 18.06.2013 12:48:42, Creator/Last Upload: Jouni Lehtivaara

Starting rank list of players

2IMKarttunen MikaFIN24412450TammerSh
5FMEbeling DanielFIN23682417MatSK
3IMNyysti SampsaFIN23602405Velhot
9IMSipilä VilkaFIN24112390TuTS
1IMMäki-Uuro MiikkaFIN23362358MatSK
8FMNiemi KalleFIN23142346Velhot
10FMHartikainen MarkkuFIN23132344HSK
4FMJärvenpää JariFIN23012325SalSK
7Ahvenjärvi JaniFIN22692298TammerSh
6FMLuukkonen TommiFIN22672286JyS