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A series of matches played over a period of time. Olof Palme chess club members engage in one classical match a week to boost their points.

Olof Palme Classical league (Tuesday)

Posledná aktualizácia 22.10.2024 18:19:23, Creator/Last Upload: Namibia Chess-Federation

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Štartová listina

1Andreas, BlessingNAM0
2Anguku, SilasNAM0
3Daniel, RebeccaNAM0
4Dausab, JoshuaNAM0
5Dayelai, NatanaelNAM0
6Eliakim, NamhilaNAM0
7Hangula, ImmanuelNAM0
8Iipinge, ClaudiaNAM0
9Ikanda, FillemonNAM0
10Katindi, LeviNAM0
11Kunamwene, AntoinettNAM0
12Narib, PromiseNAM0
13Nekongo, JustineNAM0
14Pondjamba, HerthaNAM0
15Shileka, DavidNAM0
16Shivekwa, InanciaNAM0
17Shivute, WIlherminaNAM0