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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
XYChess November Team League 2024 اخر تحديث08.12.2024 18:55:27, منشئ/آخر رفع: Chess Federation of the Czech Republic
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | تقييم | اتحاد | فريق | رقعة |
1 | | Malyshev, Evgeny | 4173562 | 2190 | RUS | Ocean Waves | 1 |
2 | | Pace, Colin | 5600189 | 2150 | MLT | Shah Mat | 1 |
3 | | Portelli, Matthew | 5604931 | 2030 | MLT | Zarzilla | 1 |
4 | CM | Vella, Duncan | 5600243 | 1958 | MLT | DIJG Masters | 1 |
5 | | Pala, Onurcan | 6363318 | 1928 | MLT | Tal's Combination | 1 |
6 | | Farah, Alberto | 2894942 | 1886 | MLT | Tal's Combination | 2 |
7 | | Kosik, Vince | 783846 | 1850 | HUN | King Fischer's | 2 |
8 | | Fong, Kenny | 3260097 | 1848 | AUS | New mates | 1 |
9 | | Sammut Briffa, Peter | 5600200 | 1844 | MLT | KPMG Knights | 1 |
10 | | Thake, Conrad | 5602947 | 1842 | MLT | King Fischer's | 1 |
11 | | Mizzi, Steve | 5601878 | 1824 | MLT | XYBlunder Busters | 1 |
12 | | Ghitza, Elena | 5603315 | 1820 | MLT | Zarzilla | 2 |
13 | | Al Jurdy, Firas | 5315751 | 1803 | LBN | KPMG Knights | 2 |
14 | | Gatt, Matthias | 5601452 | 1796 | MLT | H2a | 1 |
15 | | Zammit, Jacob | 5603471 | 1785 | MLT | H2a | 2 |
16 | | Baker, John | 5601894 | 1772 | MLT | Punishers | 1 |
17 | WFM | Thornton, Filipina | 5600464 | 1759 | MLT | Requiem for a King | 1 |
18 | WCM | Stagno, Milena | 5602289 | 1740 | MLT | Femininomenon | 1 |
19 | | Refalo, Ian | 5601118 | 1736 | MLT | Requiem for a King | 2 |
20 | | Rovatti, Paolo | 808725 | 1729 | ITA | New mates | 2 |
21 | | Ibrahim, Ayman | 5600596 | 1726 | MLT | New mates | 3 |
22 | | Dobbin, Andrei | 5603862 | 1724 | MLT | H2a | 3 |
23 | | Grima Bongailas, Isaac | 5604087 | 1722 | MLT | Zarzilla | 3 |
24 | | Sharmik, Rawal | 5084970 | 1720 | IND | Chess Giraffes | 1 |
25 | | Farrugia, Jamie | 5600898 | 1717 | MLT | Femininomenon | 2 |
26 | | Grech, Marco | 5605563 | 1704 | MLT | Fischer-men | 1 |
27 | | Manz, Michael | 1354116 | 1691 | SUI | Manz United | 1 |
28 | | Azzopardi, Ray | 5600138 | 1674 | MLT | Zarzilla | 4 |
29 | | Oral, Kaan Emre | 6335420 | 1674 | TUR | Tal's Combination | 3 |
30 | | Mazzuca, Marco | 2818618 | 1672 | ITA | Eternals | 2 |
31 | | Licari, Claude | 5601746 | 1667 | MLT | Requiem for a King | 3 |
32 | | Aquilina, Elias | 5604427 | 1663 | MLT | King Fischer's | 3 |
33 | | Dogantekin, Mesut | 26350360 | 1656 | TUR | Tal's Combination | 4 |
34 | | Buckle, Adam | 5601487 | 1651 | MLT | Ocean Waves | 4 |
35 | | Psaila, Ocean | 5602130 | 1633 | MLT | Ocean Waves | 3 |
36 | | Demicoli, Jack | 5605156 | 1627 | MLT | Noble Nimble Knights | 1 |
37 | | Sammut, Ron | 5600260 | 1622 | MLT | Fischer-men | 2 |
38 | | Camilleri, Marcel | 5601657 | 1608 | MLT | Fischer-men | 3 |
39 | | Miceli-Farrugia, Ella | 5605032 | 1606 | MLT | Femininomenon | 3 |
40 | | Sigona, Raffaele | 5604702 | 1591 | MLT | H2a | 4 |
41 | | Psaila, Uranchimeg | 5600804 | 1587 | MLT | New mates | 4 |
42 | | McKellar, John | 5605652 | 1583 | MLT | Punishers | 2 |
43 | | Mallia Milanes, Mario | 5602459 | 1575 | MLT | Eternals | 3 |
44 | | Kosik, Zente | 793922 | 1574 | HUN | King Fischer's | 4 |
45 | | Refalo, John | 5605164 | 1568 | MLT | DIJG Masters | 2 |
46 | | Pellicano, Joseph | 5605059 | 1549 | MLT | KPMG Knights | 3 |
47 | | Reyansh, Keshav | 5604109 | 1541 | MLT | Shah Mat | 2 |
48 | | Portelli, Martina | 5601851 | 1539 | MLT | Femininomenon | 4 |
49 | | Sacco, Isaac | 5603803 | 1523 | MLT | DIJG Masters | 3 |
50 | | Borg Mercieca, George | 5605490 | 1522 | MLT | DIJG Masters | 4 |
51 | | Gusarov, Mark Mikhail | 5604311 | 1514 | MLT | Manz United | 3 |
52 | | Camilleri, Shamison | 5605695 | 1505 | MLT | XYBlunder Busters | 3 |
53 | | Calleja Urry, Nick | 5602769 | 1490 | MLT | Manz United | 2 |
54 | | Thornton, Hayley | 5602637 | 1490 | MLT | Requiem for a King | 4 |
55 | | Abins Kottungal, Basheer | 48798380 | 1489 | IND | Crusaders | 2 |
56 | | Gauci, David | 5600715 | 1464 | MLT | Punishers | 4 |
57 | | Bianchi, Max | 5605113 | 1441 | MLT | Noble Nimble Knights | 2 |
58 | | Ozsoy, Ozgun | 5605067 | 1440 | MLT | Noble Nimble Knights | 3 |
59 | | Borg, Nikol | 5605709 | 1416 | MLT | Shah Mat | 4 |
60 | | Strojek, Lars | 5604478 | 1414 | MLT | Shah Mat | 3 |
61 | | Pace, Dante | 5604206 | 1408 | MLT | Chess Giraffes | 3 |
62 | | Busuttil Naudi, Stephen | 5602980 | 1406 | MLT | Fischer-men | 4 |
63 | | Arjun, Raj | 429030560 | 0 | IND | KPMG Knights | 4 |
64 | | Briffa, Jaydon | 5605962 | 0 | MLT | Dark Square Dominators | 2 |
65 | | Coca Cortes, Nicolas Alejandro | 144448457 | 0 | COL | Eternals | 1 |
66 | | Cordina, Aaron | 5605903 | 0 | MLT | Ocean Waves | 2 |
67 | | Deshayes, Victor | 20615060 | 0 | FRA | Chess Giraffes | 2 |
68 | | Ellul, Thomas | 5605300 | 0 | MLT | Dark Square Dominators | 4 |
69 | | Fan, Jiading | 5605822 | 0 | MLT | Noble Nimble Knights | 4 |
70 | | Gindinson, Artem | 91183596 | 0 | POL | Crusaders | 1 |
71 | | Kang Di Benedetto, Leonardo Nils | 5604362 | 0 | MLT | Punishers | 3 |
72 | | Manz, Caspar | 1353128 | 0 | SUI | Manz United | 4 |
73 | | Micallef, Theo | 5605920 | 0 | MLT | Dark Square Dominators | 3 |
74 | | Muscat, Liam | 5605890 | 0 | MLT | Crusaders | 4 |
75 | | Portelli, Ian | 5605970 | 0 | MLT | Dark Square Dominators | 1 |
76 | | Ristivojevic, Miroslav | 5604079 | 0 | MLT | XYBlunder Busters | 2 |
77 | | Saliba, Gerrard Andrei | 5605245 | 0 | MLT | Crusaders | 3 |
78 | | Schneider, Andrej | 5605954 | 0 | MLT | Chess Giraffes | 4 |
79 | | Sciberras, Clive | 5603730 | 0 | MLT | Eternals | 4 |
80 | | Wang, Ziyi | 5603153 | 0 | MLT | XYBlunder Busters | 4 |