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2nd Weymouth Chess Congress 2024 Open

Last update 20.10.2024 18:30:00, Creator/Last Upload: Bude Chess

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Starting rank

1FMWebb, Richard M121289ENG22594ncl Crowthorne
2CMNorman, Kenneth I116276ENG2094Crowthorne *
3Baer, Bruce L106021ENG2061Central Birmingham
4Cast, Julian133589ENG2057Long Eaton
5Bolt, Graham106951ENG2041Exeter
6Gordon, Sean340020ENG2019Watford
7De Coverly, Roger D109494ENG1997Bourne End
8Wastney, Dylan322548ENG1973Reading
9Brown, Geoffrey M302092ENG1972Folkestone
10Adaway, William285981ENG1934Wimborne
11Stokes-Carter, Dennis298774ENG1902Bournemouth
12Nelson, Leon360419ENG1869Wells
13Waters, Andrew C103615ENG1868Rainham (Kent)
14Morrison, Joseph311815ENG1865Richmond Juniors
15Mitchell, Stephen R115643ENG1859Slough
16Moseley, Alan365083USA1754Somerset *