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Fonteine Open 19 Oct 24 Section E U08 & U10 (born 2014 & later)

Last update 19.10.2024 15:48:24, Creator: Marius Kruger,Last Upload: Jayden van der Net

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Starting rank

1Gouws, Philip116014963516241624NWP
2Tshoeu, Bogosi116015831514021402GSV
3Abdul, Muhammed Ayaan117015831113851385GSV
4Scholtz, Imke215014649713461346wGTP
5Myburgh, Alex115014201413351335GSV
6Mckinnon, Samuel114015329113181318GSV
7Le Kay, Alexa215013555112871287wGJM
8Lochner, Calitz117019218312451245GJM
9Swarts, Ciara214030015912291229wGSV
10Jansen Van Vuren, Reuben117030209512151215GSV
11Swart, Morne114016160711991199GSV
12Mokhuane, Tlotlo Lethabo115031115511941194GSV
13Mollo, Tlotlisang116031115611941194GSV
14Radebe, Lethabo215014914211781178wGSV
15Paton, Wihan Daniel114016160511771177GSV
16Shabalala, Aphiwe Lwandle115030210111581158GSV
17Nobete, Gomolemo214016160411421142wGSV
18Geyer, Lourens115013652811331133GSV
19Madibana, Mohau117030013810411041GSV