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Fonteine Open 19 Oct 24 Section A U18 & Open (born 2006 & earlier)

Darrera actualització19.10.2024 18:39:59, Creador: Marius Kruger,Darrera càrrega: Jayden van der Net

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Rànquing inicial

1Mahlangu, Sello101010444920142014CSA
2Mthunzi, Clive19402588620082008GE
3Nel, Andre16302706419321932GTP
4Magagula, Raymond18306808518321832WCT
5Conradie, Dirk113013614817581758GJM
6Kgaphola, Moloko19801525117411741GJM
7Van Meersbergen, Ettienne111013401017261726GTP
8Mittermaier, Gunther109011186716061606GSV
9Theron, Andre17203757715801580GSV
10Mabwe, Emmanuel17101907815621562GSV
11Olivier, Jan-Hendrik10709165414851485GSV
12Khumalo, Moletelo105015862214741474GSV
13Pitso, Katleho100013373314101410GE
14Radebe, Thabang103011672213301330FFD
15Le Roux, Abraham18601732413001300GSV
16Jonker, Jaen-Pierre10706519012431243GSV
17Van Heerden, Derick107030655911691169GSV