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SACSSA Nationals 2024 u13 Girls

Darrera actualització23.10.2024 21:40:09, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Hendrik Kruger

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Rànquing inicial

1Okonkwo, BlessingRSA1255GAUT
2Cavanagh, MaryannRSA1222GAUT
3Okonkwo, HopeRSA1222GAUT
4Moodley, TineshaRSA1219GAUT
5Maritz, LienkaRSA1200LIMP
6Chingobo, ChenaiRSA0LIMP
7Dlamini, NompiloRSA0MPL
8Krishna, NaomiRSA0GAUT
9Mokopane, AmogetsweRSA0GAUT
10Mothei, LeboRSA0VW
11Roux, EllaRSA0VW
12Singh, KeiraRSA0VW
13Suggoo, ShriyaRSA0KZN
14Tlou, DimphoRSA0GAUT