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SACSSA Nationals 2024 u13 Boys

Darrera actualització23.10.2024 21:50:42, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Hendrik Kruger

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Rànquing inicial

1Upadhyay, SavyaRSA1332GAUT
2Qozo, KatlehoRSA1260FS
3Eapen, EthanRSA1255GAUT
4Malele, TshenoloRSA1202GAUT
5Chirwa, BoithatRSA1201GAUT
6Leotlela, MorenaRSA1200GAUT
7Lewies, LuanRSA1200GAUT
8Mokhathi, OratileRSA1200FS
9Nortman, Wilhelmus JohanRSA1200GAUT
10Segoete, OmphileRSA1200FS
11Duna, QhayiyaRSA1197GAUT
12Strydom, DanielRSA1197GAUT
13Aigbe, JeremyRSA1195GAUT
14Motlatle, SabelosethuRSA1194GAUT
15Chinyani, AsherZIM0GAUT
16de Xiang, Tim SunRSA0GAUT
17Du Toit, SamuelRSA0MPL
18Govender, ShivenRSA0GAUT
19Kutwana, OatileRSA0LIMP
20Makamu, HonorRSA0GAUT
21Maroga, TumeloRSA0LIMP
22Mncnotso, KutlwanoRSA0GAUT
23Moswatlhe, AmogelangRSA0GAUT
24Ngwenya, NhlanhlaRSA0GAUT
25Okine, NhyiraRSA0GAUT
26Oni, DerrickRSA0GAUT
27Pillay, JeremiahRSA0GAUT
28Potgieter, ImmanuelRSA0KZN
29Prinsloo, JudeRSA0GAUT
30Sikwebu, KwandaRSA0GAUT
31Sophaza, LisakhanyeRSA0VW
32Timile, ShilohRSA0GAUT
33Timol, ShaiyurRSA0KZN
34Vahed, JoshRSA0GAUT
35Virana, LiamRSA0GAUT
36Zwane, TalentRSA0MPL