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SACSSA Nationals 2024 u11 Boys

Վերջին արդիացում23.10.2024 22:05:30, Creator/Last Upload: Hendrik Kruger

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Gurayah, KairavRSA1317KZN
2Gurayah, TharsheyRSA1297KZN
3Mngomezulu, AidenRSA1250GAUT
4Eapen, JohanIND1248GAUT
5Sehloho, ThandolwethuRSA1221GAUT
6Nimje, SamarIND1220GAUT
7Tarume, SeanZIM1217GAUT
8Ncube, LwandleRSA1202GAUT
9Cavanagh, JohnRSA1200GAUT
10Giannacopoulos, KleoneniRSA1200VW
11Mofokeng, MphoRSA1200FS
12Gumede, MthobisiRSA1198GAUT
13Samakande, EliRSA1198GAUT
14Hamberger, JoshuaRSA1163KZN
15Arotibia, IsraelRSA0GAUT
16Baloyi, AgapeRSA0GAUT
17Chiphomo, KyleRSA0GAUT
18De Klerk, DanteRSA0GAUT
19Espin, TkylanRSA0GAUT
20Goldschagg, EliRSA0KZN
21Keppler, MaximusRSA0GAUT
22Khumalo, AkwandokuhleRSA0MPL
23Kobe, KgostfotseRSA0GAUT
24Mashau, KagisoRSA0GAUT
25Mbokane, BamileRSA0GAUT
26Mcube, SiyandaRSA0LIMP
27Mnqobi, MalaziRSA0GAUT
28Mntambo, MuziwethuRSA0MPL
29Mohala, Wandile-JuniorRSA0GAUT
30Mosikare, KgalaleloRSA0GAUT
31Motloung, ThabangRSA0MPL
32Nong, HlomphoRSA0LIMP
33Ntuli, BuntuRSA0KZN
34Tshibumbu, AugustusRSA0GAUT
35Weber, ReubenRSA0MPL