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SACSSA Nationals 2024 u9 Boys

Վերջին արդիացում23.10.2024 22:11:37, Creator/Last Upload: Hendrik Kruger

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Summerton, KaysonRSA1322KZN
2Tarume, ShaneZIM1298GAUT
3Gareeb, ShridarRSA1281KZN
4Reddy, DarshanRSA1264KZN
5Legora, LefaRSA1200GAUT
6Mashopha, KeketsoRSA1200FS
7Molete, BokamosoRSA1200FS
8Govender, ZionRSA1196KZN
9Kakase, LeogoRSA0FS
10Kgomo, FezileRSA0GAUT
11Kotlano, TshireletsoRSA0LIMP
12Masilela, NkosinathiRSA0GAUT
13Masinga, MylesRSA0MPL
14Moodley, JulianRSA0KZN
15Ndhlovu, CarlRSA0MPL
16Onoh, PrinceRSA0GAUT
17Phiri, ZaneRSA0GAUT
18Ramdeen, AyanRSA0KZN
19Rooibaatjie, LeviRSA0VW