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Primer Blitz Taco Bell- Chess Titans 3+2

Seinast dagført15.10.2024 05:29:07, Creator/Last Upload: PalenciaJulio

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1De Leon, Juan CarlosGUA2000
2Carballo, VictorGUA1875
3Palencia, JulioGUA1855
4Cobos, AlejandroGUA1830
5Aguilar, SilvioARG1800
6Piedrasanta, EduardoGUA1800
7Ramos, HaroldGUA1700
8Garcia, EddyGUA1650
9Lopez, JuanGUA1650
10Aguilar, OttoGUA1600
11Parra, PabloGUA1600
12Rodriguez, PedroGUA1600
13Vasquez, EmersonGUA1600
14Garcia, FernandoGUA1550
15Ortega, VictorGUA1550
16Cobos, CristhianGUA1500
17Marroquin, FernandoGUA1500
18Orozco, PabloGUA1500
19Valenzuela, AdrianGUA1400
20Zarat, DiegoGUA1400
21Cobos, IvanGUA1600