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Skákkvöld TG 2024 okt #1 Վերջին արդիացում14.10.2024 23:34:38, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | IM | Ragnarsson, Dagur | 2304058 | ISL | 2339 |
2 | | Jonsson, Gauti Pall | 2309092 | ISL | 2168 |
3 | | Bergsson, Stefan | 2301393 | ISL | 2025 |
4 | | Ragnarsson, Johann | 2301040 | ISL | 1996 |
5 | | Jonsson, Bjorn | 2301881 | ISL | 1987 |
6 | | Sigurdsson, Pall | 2302144 | ISL | 1937 |
7 | | Thorgilsson, Gudlaugur Gauti | 2306590 | ISL | 1929 |
8 | | Ivarsson Schram, Bjorgvin | 2316676 | ISL | 1854 |
9 | | Bjornsson, Harald | 2325306 | ISL | 1827 |
10 | | Johannsson, Olafur | 2310244 | ISL | 1699 |
11 | | Haraldsson, Hermann Bjorgvin | 2326957 | ISL | 1680 |
12 | | Jonsson, Daniel Fridrik | 2321300 | ISL | 1605 |
13 | | Hjartar, Jon | 2323010 | ISL | 1533 |
14 | | Olafsson, Alexander Orn | 2328658 | ISL | 1460 |