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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
Jeruchess Rapid 2024 اخر تحديث14.10.2024 20:57:13, منشئ/آخر رفع: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 50)
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم |
1 | | Cohen, Alon | | ISR | 2080 |
2 | | Rudneev, Nikolay | | ISR | 1900 |
3 | | Casoy, Ofir | | ISR | 1850 |
4 | | Landa, Avraham | | ISR | 1850 |
5 | | Levin, Nathan | | ISR | 1850 |
6 | | Yeoshua, Asgad | | ISR | 1818 |
7 | | Bershadsky, Georgy | | ISR | 1800 |
8 | | Dubinsky, Alexander | | ISR | 1800 |
9 | | Feldman, Nadav | | ISR | 1684 |
10 | | Lukovsky, Lev | | ISR | 1650 |
11 | | Sherem, Yoseph | | ISR | 1650 |
12 | | Shoresh, Aviad | | ISR | 1650 |
13 | | Tumasov, Alexander | | ISR | 1650 |
14 | | Cohen, Nitay | | ISR | 1630 |
15 | | Oliel, Yoni | | ISR | 1600 |
16 | | Lipton, Yoseph | | ISR | 1550 |
17 | | Yekutiel, Alon | | ISR | 1450 |
18 | | Sherem, Yaakov | | ISR | 1435 |
19 | | Kamininsky, Elad | | ISR | 1430 |
20 | | Moshinsky, Oded | | ISR | 1411 |
21 | | Sherem, Alfonso | | ISR | 1400 |
22 | | Zeitun, David | | ISR | 1300 |
23 | | Nativ-Halperin, Daniel | | ISR | 1299 |