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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

Jeruchess Rapid 2024

اخر تحديث14.10.2024 20:57:13, منشئ/آخر رفع: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 50)

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم
1Cohen, AlonISR2080
2Rudneev, NikolayISR1900
3Casoy, OfirISR1850
4Landa, AvrahamISR1850
5Levin, NathanISR1850
6Yeoshua, AsgadISR1818
7Bershadsky, GeorgyISR1800
8Dubinsky, AlexanderISR1800
9Feldman, NadavISR1684
10Lukovsky, LevISR1650
11Sherem, YosephISR1650
12Shoresh, AviadISR1650
13Tumasov, AlexanderISR1650
14Cohen, NitayISR1630
15Oliel, YoniISR1600
16Lipton, YosephISR1550
17Yekutiel, AlonISR1450
18Sherem, YaakovISR1435
19Kamininsky, EladISR1430
20Moshinsky, OdedISR1411
21Sherem, AlfonsoISR1400
22Zeitun, DavidISR1300
23Nativ-Halperin, DanielISR1299