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Schachrallye Schwaz 2024 Gruppe B

Senast uppdaterad19.11.2024 18:45:12, Creator/Last Upload: Landesverband Tirol

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1Mayr, Aeneas1677764AUT1436Tiroler Schachschule
2Fiegl, Julian530002869AUT1395Sk Telfs
3Haid, Luis530001544AUT1372Sk Telfs
4Salchner, Oskar1690043AUT1345Sc Mils
5Sharapova, MariaUKR1200Sc Mils
6Aksu, MuhsinGER0Schwaz
7Berger, Jan530000815AUT0Tiroler Schachschule
8Haselsberger, Linda530002290AUT0Raika Woergl
9Mayr, EmilianAUT0Tiroler Schachschule