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Manuel De Feria 2024 (Mixto)

Senast uppdaterad21.10.2024 20:29:42, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano

Lista över spelare

3Zuaznabal Duarte, Haden3533735CUB1992
8Cardenas Montano, Mariam Eliz3531856CUB1965
10Gonzalez Xique, Cesar Raul3531899CUB1951
5Cardoza Diaz, Aaron3531627CUB1903
1Guerrero Almaguer, Dairenis3534545CUB1895
7Rajadel Rebollido, Thalia3534928CUB1869
6Gonzalez Garay, Carlos2253240CUB1825
2Fernandez Correa, Cristian3533395CUB1813
9Chavez Chavez, Yoani3533638CUB1809
4Solino Perez, Adiam de Jesus3536343CUB1760