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Manuel De Feria 2024 (Mixto) Posledná aktualizácia 21.10.2024 20:29:42, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano
Zoznam hráčov podľa ratingu
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Kraj |
3 | | Zuaznabal Duarte, Haden | 3533735 | CUB | 1992 | |
8 | | Cardenas Montano, Mariam Eliz | 3531856 | CUB | 1965 | |
10 | | Gonzalez Xique, Cesar Raul | 3531899 | CUB | 1951 | |
5 | | Cardoza Diaz, Aaron | 3531627 | CUB | 1903 | |
1 | | Guerrero Almaguer, Dairenis | 3534545 | CUB | 1895 | |
7 | | Rajadel Rebollido, Thalia | 3534928 | CUB | 1869 | |
6 | | Gonzalez Garay, Carlos | 2253240 | CUB | 1825 | |
2 | | Fernandez Correa, Cristian | 3533395 | CUB | 1813 | |
9 | | Chavez Chavez, Yoani | 3533638 | CUB | 1809 | |
4 | | Solino Perez, Adiam de Jesus | 3536343 | CUB | 1760 | |