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Manuel De Feria 2024 (Expertos) Վերջին արդիացում20.10.2024 08:00:11, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Bdld |
2 | | Hernandez Rojas, Reinel | 3502147 | CUB | 2119 | |
9 | | Hernandez Sosa, Oscar Luis | 3510832 | CUB | 2076 | |
8 | WIM | Rodriguez Dominguez, Melissa | 3517560 | CUB | 2046 | |
1 | | Adela Campos, Addiel | 3531767 | CUB | 2045 | |
5 | | Alvarez Ruiz, Esteban | 3507378 | CUB | 2036 | |
10 | CM | Suasnabar, Jesus | 3800776 | PER | 2028 | |
6 | | Gonzalez Fajardo, Christian Daniel | 3530175 | CUB | 2018 | |
3 | | Hidalgo Dibut, Alejandro | 3504743 | CUB | 2009 | |
4 | | Gonzalez Hernandez, Derek Alejandro | 3530183 | CUB | 2004 | |
7 | | Hernandez Santana, Andy Rody | 3534936 | CUB | 1998 | |