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[395113] Campeonato Brasiliense Absoluto 2024 Final

Seinast dagført22.11.2024 17:49:27, Creator/Last Upload: FederacaoBrasiliensedeXadrez

Byrjanarlisti eftir Elo

12FMCunha, Lucas Aguiar2125404BRA22062296
10NMJapiassu, Ricardo De Villa Nova2107333BRA19872056
11NMFreitas, Ronan Cunha22712542BRA19752017
1Rocha, Arthur Ferreira2145804BRA19442025
9Ribeiro Jr, Valdir Uchoa2112850BRA18811883
7Robinson, Malcolm2176726BRA18761931
5NMFelix, Raimundo Nascimento2142899BRA18371943
8Xavier, Matheus Henrique Lopes22781900BRA17911889
4Assuncao, Darlane Brito2145383BRA17821864
3Cavalcanti, Gabriel Miranda44782896BRA01776
6Mendes, Caio Franco44760892BRA16971751
2Alves, Sarah Cristina Dos Santos44737416BRA16631867