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IV Општинско првенство во шах "7 Ноември 2024"

Darrera actualització21.10.2024 12:33:36, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Konstantin Lusheski

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Rànquing inicial

1Goce, Shapkaroski15001830MKD1943
2Metodija, Angjelkoski15002390MKD1895
3Vancho, Vidikjevski15015807MKD1852S50
4Jane, Shapkaroski15014452MKD1835
5Andon, Koloski15010945MKD1800S50
6AFMAleksandar, Aleksovski15001962MKD1797S50
7Ljupco, Popagjoski15002381MKD1787
8Erol, Su15013014MKD1655
9Goran, Usovic15013294MKD1611S50
10Krste, Tankoski15016315MKD1566U14
11Dimitri, Molkoski15016307MKD1513U14
12Emilija, Lusheska15007014MKD1490wU16
13Kiril, Gavranche15016064MKD1457S50
14Elena, Lusheska15007006MKD1447wU18
15Fatih, OsmanMKD0U10
16Aleksandar, RajchevskiMKD0
17Martin, Serafimoski15016277MKD0U12