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Friends of Chess Rapid 2024 (Over 2000)

Darrera actualització27.10.2024 17:34:37, Creador/Darrera càrrega: computerfineman

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Rànquing inicial

1IMAdu, Oladapo8500258NGR2327
2Lapite, Oluwadurotimi Opeoluwa8503648NGR2253
3Olanrewaju, Ajibola8500940NGR2211
4Edet, Udeme Dominic8503125NGR2199
5FMAbdulraheem, Abdulrahman Akintoye8504563NGR2170
6Apemiye, Augustine Imohede8501009NGR2100
7Okemakinde, Toluwanimi8508534NGR2069
8Onuoha, Obioma8505837NGR2052
9Dasaolu, Rotimi8500150NGR2027
10Abiola, Teniola8508364NGR2026
11Didimakon, Steven8503095NGR2006
12Afam, Ndidi Ernest8514801NGR1994
13Nyuima, Tersee Ferdinand8515263NGR1994
14Oyeneyin, Tajudeen8500045NGR1974
15Iwaloye, Rotimi8507449NGR1875
16Adeyemo, Abiola Ajibola8505489NGR1789
17Ojomo, Nifemi Solomon8511489NGR1786
18Bello, Bolaji8507244NGR1763
19Nkemjika, Onyebuchi Patrick8548730NGR0