Note: To reduce the server load by daily scanning of all links by search engines like Google, Yahoo and Co, all links for tournaments older than 2 weeks (end-date) are shown after clicking the following button:

The list will be split to U16 and U12 tournament groups.
Trophies and medals for U6, U8, U10 and U12 categories.
Awards for Best Halloween Costumes!

Red Knight Chess Club & Cafe ♞♞♞♞♞ Halloween Tournament October 27

Seinast dagført20.10.2024 13:57:53, Creator/Last Upload: Riste Menkinoski

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1Chiravanich, Pathee1678U16
2Cuizon, Richily Evans1582U16
3Liukasemsarn, Chin1501U16
4Adireksombat, Thew0U12
5Booncharoen, Totae0U08
6Darasidh, Bheem0U10
7Hanvoravongchai, Phoomi0U10
8Hui, Chenhao0U16
9Hui, Xinran0U10
10Le Louer, Leo0U10
11Ratanaphithak, Smith0U08
12Sha, Lucas0U06
13Sinthavathavorn, Pann0U08
14Sinthavathavorn, Punn0U08
15Song, Lele0U08
16Suwanvaraboon, Jacky0U08
17Tangwutthikaiwit, Taksang0U08
18Tekwani, Sam0U10
19Toemtanaporn, Aran0U10
20Toemtanaporn, Tee Tee0U12
21Viratthanant, Ray0U12
22Wirunhawanit, Vincent0U10
23Wong, Adrian0U12
24Yiyang, Tiger0U06