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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

28e Tournoi d'échecs du Comptoir de Payerne - Mémorial Jean-Paul Rohrbach U12

اخر تحديث03.11.2024 16:40:27, منشئ/آخر رفع: Club d'échecs de Payerne

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم
1Pahud, Kylian1348248SUI1699
2Rosset, Anna1351427FRA1692
3Palairet, Alexander1359266SUI1536
4Tamburrano, Andres653014073FRA1532
5Jaccoud, Evan1361490SUI1478
6Hottinger, Ieremia1359185SUI1455
7Csonka, Huba1353780SUI1353
8Shama, Oleksandr527027007FRA1277
9Coletta, Axelle1355961SUI1070
10Adashevskyi, Dmytro1362585SUI0
11Barraud, Enoa80455832FRA0
12Bettouche, GayaSUI0
13Caratti, MatteoSUI0
14Coelho, KenzoSUI0
15Gachoud, ClémentSUI0
16Galmiche, NohamSUI0
17Jaquier, GregSUI0
18Lehalle, NoemieSUI0
19Maltsev, ArtemiiSUI0
20Ngo, Gia BaoSUI0
21Rumasuglia, MattiaSUI0
22Vaney, NoahSUI0
23Zbinden, HélèneSUI0