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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

28e Tournoi d'échecs du Comptoir de Payerne - Mémorial Jean-Paul Rohrbach Open A (>1800Elo)

اخر تحديث04.11.2024 08:20:39, منشئ/آخر رفع: Club d'échecs de Payerne

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم
1FMOndozi, Murtez937576KOS2380
2FMUstiyanovych, Nazariy14109778SUI2311
3FMFejzullahu, Afrim905631KOS2272
4Ribière, Damien26041634FRA2195
5Gemelli, Romain1336401SUI2188
6Laub, Patrick1302566SUI2176
7Pahud, Cédric1306650SUI2164
8Stijve, Niels1331124SUI2164
9Papaux, Steve1337602SUI2155
10Di Stefano, Michele1308157SUI2141
11Fernandez Barbosa Dos Santos, Gabriel1354388SUI2111
12Shatil, Or2842475ISR2070
13Doxarve, Nils-Kazan1340000SUI2041
14Python, Noé1337637SUI2035
15Miesen, Sander40101304NED2030
16Kupalov, Igor1310925SUI2024
17Artan, Tamir1346865SUI1997
18Tcheau, Alain1306014SUI1969
19AIMLopez, Manuel1306324SUI1952
20Coletta, Stéphane1309056SUI1917
21Ruchat, Blaise1328921SUI1881
22Rochat, Vivian1329111SUI1857
23Moesching, Colin1345036SUI1841
24Michel, Philippe1312731SUI1799
25Pantillon, Patrick André1313266SUI1750
26Dumoulin, Paul265381BEL1658
27Gauthey, Nils1364677SUI1657
28Ademi, Rexhe1350366SUI1538