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28e Tournoi d'échecs du Comptoir de Payerne - Mémorial Jean-Paul Rohrbach Open A (>1800Elo)Վերջին արդիացում04.11.2024 08:20:39, Creator/Last Upload: Club d'échecs de Payerne
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | FM | Ondozi, Murtez | 937576 | KOS | 2380 |
2 | FM | Ustiyanovych, Nazariy | 14109778 | SUI | 2311 |
3 | FM | Fejzullahu, Afrim | 905631 | KOS | 2272 |
4 | | Ribière, Damien | 26041634 | FRA | 2195 |
5 | | Gemelli, Romain | 1336401 | SUI | 2188 |
6 | | Laub, Patrick | 1302566 | SUI | 2176 |
7 | | Pahud, Cédric | 1306650 | SUI | 2164 |
8 | | Stijve, Niels | 1331124 | SUI | 2164 |
9 | | Papaux, Steve | 1337602 | SUI | 2155 |
10 | | Di Stefano, Michele | 1308157 | SUI | 2141 |
11 | | Fernandez Barbosa Dos Santos, Gabriel | 1354388 | SUI | 2111 |
12 | | Shatil, Or | 2842475 | ISR | 2070 |
13 | | Doxarve, Nils-Kazan | 1340000 | SUI | 2041 |
14 | | Python, Noé | 1337637 | SUI | 2035 |
15 | | Miesen, Sander | 40101304 | NED | 2030 |
16 | | Kupalov, Igor | 1310925 | SUI | 2024 |
17 | | Artan, Tamir | 1346865 | SUI | 1997 |
18 | | Tcheau, Alain | 1306014 | SUI | 1969 |
19 | AIM | Lopez, Manuel | 1306324 | SUI | 1952 |
20 | | Coletta, Stéphane | 1309056 | SUI | 1917 |
21 | | Ruchat, Blaise | 1328921 | SUI | 1881 |
22 | | Rochat, Vivian | 1329111 | SUI | 1857 |
23 | | Moesching, Colin | 1345036 | SUI | 1841 |
24 | | Michel, Philippe | 1312731 | SUI | 1799 |
25 | | Pantillon, Patrick André | 1313266 | SUI | 1750 |
26 | | Dumoulin, Paul | 265381 | BEL | 1658 |
27 | | Gauthey, Nils | 1364677 | SUI | 1657 |
28 | | Ademi, Rexhe | 1350366 | SUI | 1538 |