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Barq El Ezz 29 Rapid

Last update 18.10.2024 18:47:20, Creator/Last Upload: GAMAL ABOLKHAIR

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Starting rank list

1Gaafar, Mahmoud10604251EGY1965
2Abdel Rab Elnaby, Anas10693440EGY1864
3Fathy, Mahmoud10628410EGY1855
4Beder, Osama10609580EGY1840
5Elkholy, Abdalla10628797EGY1826S60
6Arafa, Mohamed10655719EGY1788
7George, Farid10668659EGY1775
8Maarowf, Haitham10694137EGY1764
9Arafa, Gamal10644776EGY1755
10Diaa Nassar, Seif54255872EGY1751U16
11Elgamal, Amgad10612300EGY1732
12Hamed Atya, Omar54255902EGY1700U16
13Omran, Salah10683933EGY1700S60
14Elaqbaawy, Reda10694056EGY1682
15Motasem, Ismail8126682JOR1681
16Ahmad Mousaa, Yehya54200733EGY1680U14
17Khedr, Elsaeed10637192EGY1555S60
18Mohamed Salah, Salah54233038EGY1546
19Kherd, Abdelwahab10670351EGY1545S60
20Ahmad Mousaa, Youseif54200741EGY1536U14
21Atef, MahmoudEGY0
22Saed Abdel Maged, mohamedEGY0