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JUBs - Jogos Universitarios Brasileiros Masculino 2024

Darrera actualització17.10.2024 18:21:50, Creador/Darrera càrrega: CBX - Confederacao Brasileira de Xadrez

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Rànquing inicial

1FMRyan Wesley Da Costa Caetano448922188554BRA21902299SC - FURB
2NMErick Feitosa Da Silva372232155664BRA20522119PE - UFPE
3NMJeziel Do Vale Vieira6242822784861BRA20332032PI - IFPI
4NMApolo De Souza Sa47239324225390BRA20042055GO - UFG
5NMDavi Alves Do Nascimento460822192950BRA19852096RN - UFRN
6NMEli Artur Karl De Lima6443922799311BRA19851936PB - UFPB
7NMDavid Lupovici Borger5514122743677BRA19832091SP - USP
8NMArthur Schena422902171686BRA19692070SC - UNOESC
9Joao Pedro Arsego Calazans6722322787640BRA19641853RS - UFRGS
10Antonio Micaias Silva De Sousa5255422798528BRA19622026CE - UFC
11NMDanyel Angelo Aquino Oliveira450782192080BRA19602038RS - FARGS
12Perseu Fernandes Machad Oliveira5690122797734BRA19601811ES - IFES
13Rafle Raphael Netto5816122773827BRA19241904MG - UNIFEI
14Ricardo De Lima Primo6696622788328BRA18991949MG - UNIFEI
15Joao Gabriel Muniz Szuba4919122710388BRA18701961PR - UTFPR - CURITIBA
16Cleiton Erick Mendes Dos Santos4960022760962BRA18701813MT - UNIC
17Francisco E Ximenes Alexandre7593644729782BRA18651865CE - IFCE
18Lucas De Souza Mileski393922175789BRA18611979PR - UNICESUMAR
19Alan Pedro Vasconcelos Martins5029822719130BRA18601911RN - UFERSA
20Ygor De Souza Almeida452712190370BRA18591932DF - UNB
21NMAldus Daniel F De Souza Monteiro6474622782753BRA18511944PE - UFPE
22Andre Luiz Nunes Do Nascimento8592344775156BRA18461824AL - UFAL
23Henrick Vinicius Prado Dantas5247422729283BRA17981846AP - UNIFAP
24Ricardo B Azevedo Guimaraes6022322769196BRA17841828BA - UFBA
25Lucas Estremes Ricci6695422788590BRA17551881SP - FICSAE
26Gabriel Magalhaes Da Costa5583022755730BRA17161843MT - UFMT
27Gustavo Faria Martins8181644782616BRA16531740RJ - ESTACIO
28Carlos Henrique Santos Sousa6288644745508BRA01864SE - UFS
29Pedro Ernesto Braun Do Prado6516822790209BRA01830MS - UFGD
30Lucas Dos Anjos Assis4346822716475BRA01800SE - UFS
31Hector Pinheiro Batista5724122752897BRA01800BA - UFBA
32Paulo Gomes Leite57816BRA01800DF - UCB
33Gabriel Benedito Pinheir Moreira8156544760795BRA01797AP - UNIFAP
34Flavio Antonio R Ferreira Filho4718522701133BRA01710MA - UFMA
35Douglas Leal de Oliveira Almeida92274BRA00ES - UVV
36Felipe Teles Barros8587344798970BRA00GO - UFG
37Joao Vitor Ferreira Da Silva5273244789360BRA00AL - UFAL
38Helder Nunes Dantas78029BRA00PB - UFCG
39Nicolas Uchoa Dos Reis92171BRA00RR - UNICESUMAR
40Matheus Moura Jales92159BRA00PI - IFPI
41Moises Rodrigues Nicacio92275BRA00MA - UEMA