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IRT Rapido Tampico IX AbsolutaPosledná aktualizácia 30.10.2024 05:36:16, Creator/Last Upload: arbiterfelipesalazar
Štartová listina
č. | | T | Meno | FideID | Elo |
1 | | | Castillo Coronado, David Arturo | 5163340 | 1956 |
2 | | | Morales Quezada, Jose Guadalupe | 5116406 | 1898 |
3 | | | Pecero Hernandez, Julio Andres | 5181160 | 1870 |
4 | | | Rocha Avalos, Juan Antonio | 5166667 | 1824 |
5 | | | Hernandez Gomez, Hector Gael | 29670179 | 1808 |
6 | | | Palafox Garcia, Juan Jacobo | 5168430 | 1785 |
7 | | | Escamilla Gonzalez, Jorge Gildalthi | 5181186 | 1772 |
8 | | | Enriquez Corona, Jesus Aaron | 5188300 | 1698 |
9 | | | Tristan Moreno, Jose Guadalupe | 29657733 | 1690 |
10 | | | Cabrera Rangel, Rodrigo | 29645662 | 1447 |
11 | | | Camacho Castillo, Ivan | 29666872 | 0 |
12 | | | Camacho Castillo, Kevin | 29666880 | 0 |
13 | | | Hernandez Sanchez, Julio Cesar | | 0 |
14 | | | Ortega Castillo, Andres de Jesus | | 0 |
15 | | | Salazar Reyes, Jose Guillermo | 29650267 | 0 |