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Final Provincial de Ajedrez 2024 Stgo de Cuba

Senast uppdaterad28.10.2024 09:42:42, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano

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1FMAlegre Leyva, Alejandro3518779CUB2259
2FMTorres Valiente, Brayan3529843CUB2240
3Llamos Lopez, Guillermo3501450CUB2109
4Neyra Ferrer, Jose Asdrubal3521745CUB2091
5Ferrer Barrera, Vladimir3523527CUB2082
6Vazquez Lopez, Roberto Carlos3528537CUB2060
7Matos Pelegrin, Luis E.3518078CUB2051
8Delgado Alvarez, Edualis3523853CUB2014
9Odio Camue, Ismael3529410CUB1972
10Lopez Paneque, Alberto Arael3529401CUB1950
11Aroche Montoya, Reinaldo3533344CUB1946
12Tenst Fong, Cristian De Jesus3534855CUB1922
13Rodriguez Ruiz, Jose Manuel3517438CUB1920
14Espinosa Castaneda, Ronald Manuel3535088CUB1918
15Valdez Diaz, Rene3532496CUB1918
16Pallerols Duran, Mario3528138CUB1903
17Torres Quesada, Reynaldo3533379CUB1866
18Nuviola Valentin, Osvaldo3537633CUB1856
19Ortega Falcon, Eliosmel3534880CUB1784
20Colomar Puig, Arturo3530981CUB1757
21Martinez Borrego, Marcos Antonio3530914CUB1746
22Quintana Alvarez, GilbertoCUB0