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SK Klausen, internes Halbblitzturnier 2024 Posledná aktualizácia 23.10.2024 16:38:42, Creator/Last Upload: StegerA
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | Elo |
1 | | Schacher, Gerd | 803979 | 2248 |
2 | | Seebacher, Michael | 2833544 | 2116 |
3 | | Bodrov, Timofey | 14131781 | 2089 |
4 | | Haller, Quentin | 2839127 | 2050 |
5 | | Schrott, Karl | 28578813 | 1957 |
6 | | Seebacher, Reinhard | 1635859 | 1951 |
7 | | Schrott, Johann | 865621 | 1860 |
8 | | Sigmund, Ingenuin | 861219 | 1708 |
9 | | Steger, Andreas | 808890 | 1672 |
10 | | Kircher, Kevin | 23428139 | 1657 |
11 | | Hartmann, Alois Eugen | | 1647 |
12 | | Senn, Stefan | | 1640 |
13 | | Schrott, Roland | | 1570 |
14 | | Rabensteiner, Christian | 2895590 | 1561 |