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Uxbridge LJCC 27-Oct-2024: under 12

Last update 22.10.2024 07:17:58, Creator/Last Upload: hsca

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Starting rank

1Hill, Callum340465ENG1513London Nw *
2Sriram, Gautam331676ENG1489Watford
3Ramesh, Niranjan R360196ENG1187Harrow
4Sherzad, Mohammad Mustafa364341ENG1134Hillingdon *
5Hu, Zheyuan350907ENG1060Chess Rising Stars
6Symeonidou, Eleni353784ENG1033Ealing
7Ang, Ethan327015ENG981Crowthorne
8Jaswal, Aryaman362518ENG911Hillingdon *
9Wong, Winston365808ENG883Uxbridge Juniors
10Priess, Oliver359530ENG819Uxbridge Juniors
11Lamb, Alexander363971ENG797Hillingdon *
12Fernandes, Adrian362879ENG784Uxbridge Juniors
13Ali, Ismael360462ENG748Uxbridge Juniors
14Jeyachandran, Abikkash356221ENG730Uxbridge
15Vajda, Conrad354006ENG665London N *
16Singh, Japnjot343921ENG630Uxbridge
17Kandikere, Pratham364728ENG583Uxbridge
18Baz, Andrew371375ENG0Uxbridge Juniors
19Gocheva, Teodosia-Nikol371285ENG0Hillingdon *