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Limite de jugadores: 60

Torneo Blitz de Ajedrez, II Edición "MN Manuel Flores In Live" 2024

Last update 26.10.2024 22:23:00, Creator/Last Upload: ngaitan

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Starting rank

1IMDavila, Carlos6100040NCA2238S50
2Vanegas Lopez, Natanael Emanuel6108326NCA2163U18
3Fonseca Cabrera, Ernesto6101046NCA2157
4Picado, Jorge6100376NCA2140
5Velasquez, Rommel6100287NCA2021S50
6Cross Gadea, Frederick Alain6102085NCA2012
7Gomez Baltodano, David6105904NCA2001
8Castillo, Rommel6100490NCA1989S50
9Granados Ortiz, Fidel6103804NCA1963
10Garcia Martinez, Antonio Jose6101291NCA1906S50
11Sanchez, Eneo6100171NCA1893S50
12Gutierrez, Oscar6100147NCA1879S50
13AFMAvalos, Carlos2041456USA1872S50
14WFMGranados Ortiz, Maria Jose6103812NCA1864
15Ortiz, Heriberto6101127NCA1843S50
16Soza Quiroz, Luis Enrique6112870NCA1830S50
17Granados, Fidel6101054NCA1829S50
18Pavon Ruiz, Cristhoffer Israel6108628NCA1802
19Cross Luna, Alain Gereld6113117NCA1801U10
20Machado Garcia, Ruben Efrain6106480NCA1796S50
21Valle Alonso, Moises Abraham6109560NCA1779
22Ulloa Diaz, Felipe Josue6106218NCA1768
23Urbina Espinoza, Josthin Antonio6112897NCA1762U15Club "Manuel Flores"
24Alvarez Gutierrez, Patricia6105548NCA1756
25Moncada, Orlando Jose6103405NCA1740S50
26Cortez Ruiz, Luis Miguel6107826NCA1722
27Carcache Acevedo, Henry Jose6111777NCA1721U20
28Rodriguez, Emilio Gabriel6104126NCA1692
29Mayorga Bohorquez, David Antonio6109756NCA1659S50
30Ruiz Castellon, Jesseling6108342NCA1650
31Godoy Barbosa, Jaime6103030NCA1646
32Rivas Molina, Ruth Eloisa6113583NCA1630U12Club "Manuel Flores"
33Berrios Vanegas, Yanko Antonio6107214NCA1626S50
34Calderon Mesa, Joel Ernesto6110711NCA1608Club "Manuel Flores"
35Castillo Carrillo, Hanny Gabriela6111041NCA1600U18
36Sanchez Obregon, Cesar Ramon6113095NCA1584
37Rivas Molina, Bayardo Antonio6113575NCA1541U14Club "Manuel Flores"
38Diaz Castillo, Diana6103774NCA1495
39Aguinaga Roa, Cristopher LeandroNCA0U14Club "Manuel Flores"
40Blanco, Leonardo JoseNCA0
41Blanco Videa, EdisonNCA0U12Club "Manuel Flores"
42Blandon Castro, Reynaldo6103383NCA0
43Davila Lopez, Melvin AnthonyNCA0U20
44Flores Martinez, Manuel IgnacioNCA0U14
45Flores Meza, Luis ManuelNCA0
46Flores, WalterNCA0Club "Manuel Flores"
47Garcia Mendoza, Nery BenjaminNCA0U20
48Gonzalez Altamirano, Ramses OrlandoNCA0U18
49Hernandez Rojas, Isabella Valentina6113559NCA0U12
50Hernandez Rojas, Jacob Leonel6114202NCA0U12
51Jimenez Lezama, Henry ArmandoNCA0U12
52Jimenez Lezama, Maria FernandaNCA0U18
53Leiva, Carla PatriciaNCA0U15
54Leiva, VilmaNCA0U20
55Lezama Hernandez, Fatima del RosarioNCA0
56Lopez Duarte, GexinNCA0
57Miranda, LeonelNCA0S50
58Mora Vallecillo, Paul AntonioNCA0
59Rocha Castellon, Alondra YeseniaNCA0Club "Manuel Flores"
60Rocha Castellon, Ericka FernandaNCA0U13Club "Manuel Flores"
61Rojas Calero, Camila AlessandraNCA0U14
62Salamanca, OscarNCA0
63Torres Mendoza, Carlos EduardoNCA0U14Club "Manuel Flores"
64Villareina Salazar, Marcos JosueNCA0U10Club "Manuel Flores"