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Prakasam District Under 15 Open Chess Selections 2024

Վերջին արդիացում13.10.2024 08:02:35, Creator/Last Upload: B S Chess Academy

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1Syed, Shafeez88163784IND1443
2Abhinandan, BathinaIND0
3Arhaan, PIND0
4Chohanu sri Rudra, SirigiriIND0
5Nikhil Siddharth, PasumarthiIND0
6Sai Dinesh, KatakamIND0
7Sai Thaneesh, KandulaIND0
8Shoaib Mansoor, ShaikIND0
9Thrilok Ramisetty,IND0
10Vignesh Gupta, JavvajiIND0