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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
InscripciĆ³n: $10 Con los fondos recaudados apoyaremos a los deportistas de la FederaciĆ³n Deportiva de Azuay.OPEN IRT BLITZ CUENCA CLUB DE AJEDREZ CAFE AUSTRIA OCT2024 اخر تحديث19.10.2024 04:36:47, منشئ/آخر رفع: ENA_Ecuador
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم | جنس | نوع |
1 | | | Cardenas Encalada, David Josue | 3628035 | ECU | 1872 | | U20 |
2 | | | Minda Mejia, Pablo | 3621685 | ECU | 1796 | | |
3 | | | Quinde Corte, Christian Josue | 3636712 | ECU | 1782 | | |
4 | | | Kittilsen, Guy | 2068990 | USA | 1740 | | S65 |
5 | | | Vargas Sotelo, Victor | 3632024 | ECU | 1737 | | U18 |
6 | | | Paute, Arizaga Angel Samuel | 3632598 | ECU | 1735 | | |
7 | | | Nugra Loja, Eric | 3617491 | ECU | 1660 | | |
8 | | | Vicente Ramon, Mario Gustavo | 3647161 | ECU | 1592 | | S50 |
9 | | | Duchi Abad, Lennin Damian | 3651363 | ECU | 1578 | | U14 |
10 | | | Illares Chumbi, Stefanny | 3639231 | ECU | 1577 | w | U20 |
11 | | | Pesantez Alvarez, Luis Gabriel | 3658414 | ECU | 1484 | | |
12 | | | Romero Acevedo, Jozef Isaac | 3647048 | ECU | 1480 | | U12 |
13 | | | Arcos Rodriguez, Abdon Nicolas | 3655172 | ECU | 1433 | | U12 |
14 | | | Coronel Villalta, Bruno Fidel | 3646912 | ECU | 1415 | | |
15 | | | Montano Reyes, Jacob Abraham | 3653463 | ECU | 1410 | | U08 |
16 | | | Tola Lazo, David Sebastian | 3639037 | ECU | 1406 | | U20 |
17 | | | Feijoo Tarira, Diego Nicolas | 3649385 | ECU | 0 | | U14 |
18 | | | Tseremp Wajarai, Yosek Sawakaar | 3647382 | ECU | 0 | | U12 |
19 | | | Verdugo Juca, Luis Emilio | | ECU | 0 | | U10 |
20 | | | Vicente Campoverde, Gustavo Andre | 3659682 | ECU | 0 | | U16 |
21 | | | Zumba Salazar, Gabriel Esteban | 3655318 | ECU | 0 | | U14 |