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Liga Chessland Academy 2024-2025 Torneo 13/10/2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony13.10.2024 20:57:17, Creator/Last Upload: vmedina

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1Ruiz Bolanos, Eithan1924
2Zavaleta Jacinto, Santiago1795
3Cienfuegos Torres, Cristopher Alejandro1733
4Macias Gonzalez, Luis Mariano1639
5Saavedra Tapia, Jesus Alexander1628
6Lopez Virgen, Rolando Matias1598
7Sahagun Diaz, David Alfredo1588
8Ortiz Valerio, Julian Mateo1563
9Ramirez Rivera, Paris Gael1546
10Antimo Becerra, Andres Leonel1530
11Carrillo Lopez, Thiago Andre1514
12Perez Perez, Matias1465
13Garcia Castro, Christian Fernando1449
14Alvarez Angel, Jorge Patricio1446
15Garcia Castro, David Alejandro1437
16Rojo Osorio, Sebastian1400
17Garcia Castro, Paulo Rodrigo1388
18Figueroa Lepe, Daniela1374
19Castellanos Fonseca, Dylan Daniel1372
20Gomez Lopez, Bruno1337
21Arguelles Rivera, Tiago1336
22Gomez Higuera, Frida1307
23Molina Hernandez, Angel David1305
24Saavedra Tapia, Emily Natalia1305
25Navarro Loizaga Corcuera, Felipe1281
26Lopez Ortiz, Alan Emanuel1260
27Hernandez Ponce, Andres Abraham1244
28Juarez Van Dyck, Daniel0
29Villagrana Correa, Luis Fernando0