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Uxbridge LJCC 27-Oct-2024: under 10

Վերջին արդիացում27.10.2024 23:19:06, Creator/Last Upload: hsca

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Մեկնարկային ցուցակ

1Saxena, Advik352860ENG1620London Sw *
2Gedge, Joshua343448ENG1477Gerrards Cross
3Bhatt, Rishaan350533ENG1120Uxbridge Juniors
4Guan, Evan353269ENG1085Barnet Knights
5Nedungadi, Vedant352776ENG1030Chess Challengers
6Yue, Blake358301ENG1017Oxfordshire *
7Ahmed, Zaydan355225ENG993Mall School, Twickenham
8Cranfield, Edmond347263ENG932Richmond Juniors
9Lim, Mark347357ENG895London N *
10Kayani, Jordi344635ENG888Uxbridge Juniors
11Kothari, Arham359369ENG866Surrey *
12Rangula, Rudransh Goud347028ENG837Uxbridge
13Balachander, Neil341891ENG828Dartford Juniors
14Amadeu, Rafael360723ENG819Richmond Juniors
15Kothari, Atharv359370ENG789Surrey *
16Lim, Jing Zhe350899ENG685Oxfordshire *
17Andersen Zargham, Ellene354030ENG639London Sw *
18Symeonidou, Georgia353785ENG578Ealing
19Desai, Atharva370656ENG560London Nw *
20Popov, Ilya367752ENG550Uxbridge Juniors
21Button, Kim368621ENG547Uxbridge
22Yip, Julian355554ENG533London W *
23Shen, Louis368328ENG527Desert Penguins (London)
24Akram, Mohammed Aahil Bilal362517ENG0
25Jamil, Ahmed371271ENG0Wales
26Kerekes, Fabio371023ENG0
27Suzuki, Noah0ENG0
28Topi, Erik371620ENG0Uxbridge Juniors