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Provincial Onubense Absoluto Primera Categoría

Last update 07.12.2024 20:25:33, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 380)

not paired

18Albarran Ligero, Justo1737ESPbye
20Barker Fraser, Deryck John1707ESP**
22Cruz Muriel, Jose Antonio0ESP*
8Delgado Lozano, Ignacio Maria1851ESP*****
1Espejo Montagut, Jonathan2111ESP*****
11Fernandez Vargas, Isidro1794ESP****
12Lopez Perea, Mario1791ESP**
21Lopez Rueda, Juan1582ESPbye
23Perez Pertegal, Alvaro0ESP*****
6Truter, Maximilian1966ESP**