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Provincial Onubense Absoluto Primera Categoría

Last update 07.12.2024 20:25:33, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 380)

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Round 2 on 2024/10/26 at 16:30

Bo.No.WhiteTypRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackTypRtgNo.
19Espejo Montagut, Jose MariaS5018011 0 - 11 Lopez Martin, CarlosU5020912
23Gonzalez Amate, ManuelU5020891 ½ - ½1 Truter, MaximilianU1419666
34Andres Flores, Antonio JoseS5020571 1 - 01 Fierro Rosa, LeonardoS50177913
45Riera Brito, RaulU1620531 1 - 01 Barker Fraser, Deryck JohnS65170720
57Vega Castilla, Antonio MiguelS651880½ 1 - 0½ Fernandez Baez, JoseS65179810
614Camacho Belmonte, Angel LuisU1417770 1 - 0½ Gonzalez Lepe, JoseS65171319
718Albarran Ligero, JustoFED17370 0 - 10 Villegas Fernandez, JuanU16177315
816Coronel Morgado, Juan CarlosS5017640 1 - 00 Luque Garcia, JuanU16175117
921Lopez Rueda, JuanS6515820 1 bye 
101Espejo Montagut, JonathanU5021110 0 not paired 
118Delgado Lozano, Ignacio MariaU5018510 0 not paired 
1211Fernandez Vargas, IsidroU5017940 0 not paired 
1312Lopez Perea, MarioU5017911 0 not paired 
1422Cruz Muriel, Jose AntonioS500½ 0 not paired 
1523Perez Pertegal, AlvaroU1400 0 not paired