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Kärntner Schach Jugendcup Klassisch

Last update 28.10.2024 08:24:30, Creator: SG Gabor/HSV SPITTAL,Last Upload: SCHACHKLUB ST VEIT/GLAN

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Starting rank list

1Staudacher, Luca530000017AUT1200Sgs Spittal
2Habibovic, ElmaSLO0Sk Feistritz Paternion
3Habibovic, ElminSLO0Sk Feistritz Paternion
4Karajko, Meryem530001013AUT0Sgs Spittal
5Karnel, NicoAUT0
6Kos, Egon530002796AUT0Sgs Spittal
7Muri, Andrej1697358AUT0Vst Voelkerm. Gojer/K.Ents
8Pukalo, TichonUKR0Sgs Spittal
9Scheiflinger, Raphael530001005AUT0Sgs Spittal
10Stadler, Konstantin530003660AUT0Sv Nussdorf-Debant