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1er Torneo de Ajedrez "Liga Escolar Chess For Life" - Zona Norte Sub 13-15 Kipling Esmeralda

Senast uppdaterad12.10.2024 18:26:11, Creator/Last Upload: FernandoSalazarJ

Lista över spelare

1Lopez Benavidez, JesusMEX1738Academia Maddox
2Avila Lopez, Bruno29663075MEX1678Instituto Cumbres Bosques
3Becerril Holguin, AlejandraMEX1587Kipling Esmeralda
7Garcia Vargas, Karla Ximena29637724MEX1477
4Cebreros Gonzalez, AlejandroMEX0Carol Baur
5Ceniceros Lopez, GabrielMEX0Carol Baur
6Escuredo Lozano, Kevin29658470MEX0Academia Maddox