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Zemunski rapid

Last update 19.10.2024 17:23:58, Creator/Last Upload: sk delfin

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1FMDjerfi, Karolj906603SRB2135
2Jovicic, Radosav914657SRB2100
3FMMaric, Dragan903400SRB2085
4Milicevic, Aleksa910104SRB2020
5Poleksic, Miodrag909300SRB2005
6Brakus, Dragan928186SRB1999
7Dragic, Dragan949035SRB1970
8Nikolic, Matija989673SRB1951
9Stefanovic, Marko953920SRB1882
10Bajic, Petar999784SRB1811
11Kovacevic, Bozidar926043SRB1760
12Grujic, Miroslav C9232316SRB1740
13Smagina, Viktoria34298657SRB1625
14Kordic, Una9213249SRB1585