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Agra District Blitz Chess Selection Championship 2024-25

Last update 13.10.2024 14:26:03, Creator/Last Upload: Rana Pratap

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Starting rank

1Abid Ali5021022IND1952
2Lawaniya Eshan35024817IND1894
3Shreyash Singh33426058IND1884
4Gauraang Goyal25662589IND1604
5Gaurav Bharadwaj46605088IND1590
7Pulkit Jain46605347IND1561
8Aarav Mehrotra531050190IND1525
9Roopesh Sagar429035759IND1522
10Amit Kumar Trivedi429046602IND1506
11Shantanu Pathak33304173IND1461
12Akshat KumarIND0
13Akshay KumarIND0
14Akshay Singh429042992IND0
15Arsh Seth429026431IND0
16Atharv Gupta33317003IND0
17Atharva Nikhil GuptaIND0
18Karun KumarIND0
19Pragnay Baghel531045642IND0
20Rohit JainIND0
21Saransh Garg429043131IND0
22Tanmay KumarIND0
23Vaibhav GuptaIND0
24Zain Goyal429042895IND0