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NTR District Official U-15 Girls Chess Championship 13th Oct - 2024 Վերջին արդիացում13.10.2024 12:25:50, Creator/Last Upload: Rajeev Mandula
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg |
1 | | Narayanan, Rishitha | 33336989 | IND | 1584 |
2 | | Rachapudi, Sai Sri Hamsika | 6011136 | IND | 1454 |
3 | | Mandula, Merry Amen | 25786032 | IND | 1449 |
4 | | Kolla, Charvi Sri | 33325405 | IND | 1445 |
5 | | Sonika, Desetti | 33400237 | IND | 1409 |
6 | | Bodana, P | | IND | 0 |
7 | | Dhruvika, K | | IND | 0 |
8 | | Geethika, P | | IND | 0 |
9 | | Humshika, A | | IND | 0 |
10 | | Keerthi Sathvika, V | | IND | 0 |
11 | | Likhila, B | | IND | 0 |
12 | | Loukya, K | | IND | 0 |
13 | | Nyshita rao, P | | IND | 0 |
14 | | Pavani, A | | IND | 0 |
15 | | Rachapudi, Lakshmi Karthika | 6009972 | IND | 0 |
16 | | Sabbella, Srimahi | 531005675 | IND | 0 |
17 | | Viveka, S | 429026164 | IND | 0 |