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8th Saturday Evening Blitz at Red Knight Chess Cafe

Posledná aktualizácia 12.10.2024 16:29:56, Creator/Last Upload: Riste Menkinoski

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Štartová listina

1Yulo, Adrian Othniel2125
2Cuizon, Richily Evans1791
3Pienpoldeesakul, Baimon1711
4Mishra, Arush1702
5Kusakulpiboon, Sirawich1622
6Kingpoom, Sakdiphat1566
7Chanthanam, Chaiyapat1547
8Liukasemsarn, Chin1517
9Khamkuer, Thanthorn1427
10Dumoulin, Pepe0
11Guiraud, Mathieu0
12Hui, Chenhao0
13Namsom, Timothy0
14Namsom, Titus0
15Perdana, Gadis0
16Stojkovic, Nikola0
17Vorapitayahirun, Mink0