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Acs J- Balaton Kupa Rapid

Last update 15.10.2024 18:43:57, Creator/Last Upload: Lajos Istvandi

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Starting rank

1FMPasztor, Ferenc704989HUN2213
2WIMDemeter, Dorina778079HUN2058
3Borocz, Lorinc17008409HUN1940
4Heiligermann, Gabor715395HUN1937
5Parej, Jozsef715417HUN1845
6Lukacs, Levente17007410HUN1659
7Farkas, Jozsef732621HUN1507
8Mile, Benjamin Janos17015146HUN1507
9Nagy, Mark Zsolt17004845HUN1492
10Soos, Botond Mate17020638HUN1491
11Toth, Barnabas790540HUN1457
12Lakos, Dezso17002540HUN1443
13Torok, Gyula17018072HUN1429
14Torok, Gergo17018080HUN1419
15Illes, Mark17012368HUN1409
16Csitari, Adam FarkasHUN0
17Darvalics, Luca FanniHUN0
18Domokos, Oliver AntonHUN0
19Hari, BalazsHUN0
20Lukacs, ZsigmondHUN0
21Matola, Mirjan LaraHUN0
22Varga Szabo, ZoraHUN0