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Last update 05.12.2024 08:41:44, Creator/Last Upload: Luis E. Valle Maytin

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Starting rank list

1FMLazaro Pujol, Abel23052400FIGUERES C.E.
2IMGonzalez Rodriguez, Jorge A.22142306FIGUERES C.E.
3MKDelisau Gil, Oriol21972361SANT ANDREU C.E.
4Garcia Caro, Juan Alber21732307OLOT
5MKBanos, Oscar21672291FIGUERES C.E.
6MKVillar Reymundo, Juan Antonio21472372LA LIRA, C.E.
7FMIbanez Tarradellas, Eduardo21452291FIGUERES C.E.
8Terry Cuellar, Luis Antonio20872240OLOT
9Rumbos Garcia, Alejandro Daniel20570
10Jurado Coderch, Heribert20432182OLOT
11MKDorca Dilme, Ramon20362179Olot
12WCMVinolas Anglada, Laura20342159FIGUERES C.E.
13Minguell Soler, Joan20182123MATARO C.E
14MKCarrasco Holgado, David19932125GERUNDA, C.E.
15Gomez Flores, Pol19171971Sub14Escacs Artés
16Gutierrez Marin, Genis18982024TERRASSA DEL CSC, C.E.
17Brugarolas Manzaneque, Carlos18852019MATARO C.E
18Armengol Valero, Miguel18671997TERRASSA DEL CSC, C.E.
19Palahi Hervas, Dalmau18631977Sub14GERUNDA, C.E.
20Parramon Arimany, Marc18601925GUIXOLENC C.E.
21Sola Garcia, Manel18551956Olot
22Benet Saniger, Xavier18501957MOIA MOIANES C.E.
23Sala Huguet, Santiago18481984Olot
24Moreno Gonzalez, Pablo18261855GERUNDA, C.E.
25Blanco Esquena, Ramon18151948Dotze Castells C.E.
26Berrozpe Gonzalez, Marc18001927Sub12Gramenet Club Escacs
27Vidal Palou, Jordi17491861SANTA EUGENIA ESCACS
28Llobet Planes, Jordi17421792Sub10Mollerussa
29Viader Dominguez, Jordi17291859Sub14GERUNDA, C.E.
30Pinto Borrell, Marti17291734Argentona C.P. Escacs
31Cantenys Garriga, Albert17141868DOTZE CASTELLS C.E.
32Fontanet Tomas, Unai17101830Sub12Amposta C.E.
33Pau Ferrer, Quirze17081834Sub12FIGUERES C.E.
34Caballero Pujol, Isaac17031796Sub14OLOT
35Busquets Font, Jaume16951812OLOT
36Tevar Asensio, Alfons16921748Cardona
37Serratosa Riera, Alex16811777Olot
38Rabassedas Viejo, Joan16731736CASSA C.E.
39Hernandez Martinez, Pol16611720Sub12Mollerussa
40Colldecarrera Ferres, Manuel16371592Olot
41Massot Cervera, Max16351762Sub14FIGUERES C.E.
42Puigvert Gonzalez, Laia16241521Sub12OLOT
43Montilla Rodriguez, Ashton16081710Sub14LES FRANQUESES, C.E.
44Porta Lara, Xavier15921696Sub12Terrassa Del Csc, C.E.
45Agadzhanyan, Sonya15691638Sub12Foment Martinenc C.E.
46Claparols Merino, Inar15621712Sub10FIGUERES C.E.
47Wu Wu, Ke Cheng15601602Sub14Olot
48Viader Dominguez, Francesc15201503Sub10GERUNDA, C.E.
49Puigvert Gonzalez, Aniol14601328Sub10OLOT
50Arto Soriano, Didac14351547Sub12Associació D'escacs Peons De Reus
51Canteli Abad, Judit14241527Sub12OLOT
52Gonzalez Espliego, Carlos01789MATARO C.E
53Aznar Bartoll, Gerard01700OLOT
54Deulofeu Segui, Jaume01700OLOT
55Guarner Banares, Gonzalo01700ARGENTONA C.P. ESCACS
56Abad Canteli, Silvia01650OLOT
57Grau Corbella, Joan01620AVINYO C.E.
58Dong, Luotian01441Sub10OLOT
59Multani Multani, Gurjot01437Sub12OLOT
60Agadzhanian, Roza01201Sub08Foment Martinenc C.E.