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Torneig Sub8 i Sub6 Amposta

Last update 13.10.2024 10:51:23, Creator/Last Upload: Ruben Morales Medel

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Starting rank

1Bretó Martinez, Dario1400S08Riu Senia
2Funes Mendoza, Jacob1400S08Escola Sant Jaume
3Melich Moreno, Rafa1400S08Consol Ferre
4Perolada Segui, Pol1400S08Escola E Amposta
5Utrillas Callarisa, Izan1400S08Escola Sant Jaume
6Verge Pech, Marc1400S08Consol Ferre
7Verge Pech, Noa1400S08Consol Ferre
8Vila Herrero, Emma1400S08Miquel Granell
9Altadill Roig, Unai1200S06Miquel Granell
10Fornos Ureña, Isra1200S06Escola E Amposta
11Granell Sancho, Julia1200S06Escola E Amposta
12Liu Mauri, Max1200S06Escola E Amposta
13Lopez Ferrando, Oliver1200S06Riu Senia
14Reverté Bertomeu, Tiago1200S06Miquel Granell
15Sola Fosch, Biel1200S06Miquel Granell
16Vila Herrero, Aleix1200S06Miquel Granell