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Posledná aktualizácia 12.10.2024 14:59:58, Creator/Last Upload: Finish Chess Federation (Licence 36)

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Štartová listina

1Al Hajaj, Amjad507997FIN1976JoeSK
2Kinnunen, Markku501638FIN1960KSY
3Olin, Janne518735FIN1872KSY
4Salmela, Nuutti519928FIN1838JoeSK
5Torvinen, Eetu518603FIN1824JoeSK
6Kärki, Miska519014FIN1796JoeSK
7Calpe, RomanFIN1761JoeSK
8Ollikainen, Akseli522244FIN1737KSY
9Ritola, Akseli518913FIN1667KSY
10Vainikka, Sami522511FIN1563JoeSK
11Taavitsainen, Vesa522279FIN1561MikkSK
12Ollikainen, Esko521906FIN1533KSY
13Ollikainen, Juho522252FIN1528KSY