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Nhlangano Open 2024

Senast uppdaterad13.10.2024 19:02:41, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Swaziland

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1CMHlophe, Similo20700245SWZ1861
2CMMabuza, Mbongeni20700113SWZ1844
3CMDlamini, Simphiwe20701217SWZ1775
4De Nobrega, Santiago20702868SWZ1623
5Molapo, Thabang20702442SWZ1604
6Matsebula, Qiniso20700393SWZ1603
7Simelane, Prosper20700440SWZ1589
8Chasusa, Francis20701110SWZ1585
9Hlophe, Moses20701268SWZ1513
10Dlamini, Bonginkosi20701209SWZ1509
11Nhlengetfwa, Gcina20701853SWZ1473
12Gama, ThabaniSWZ0
13Kuhlase, Namisa20702302SWZ0
14Masuku, WandiswaSWZ0
15Matsebula, FezileSWZ0
16Matsebula, SnethembaSWZ0
17Nicolai, StefanoSWZ0
18Ntuli, NdumisoSWZ0
19Sibiya, LindokuhleSWZ0