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Turnuva detaylarını göster
GENESIS National Secondary School Indv. Rapid Son güncelleme13.10.2024 21:16:04, Oluşturan/Son Yükleme: Trinidad and Tobago CA (licence 8)
Başlangıç Sıralaması
No. | | İsim | FIDE ID | FED | Rtg | Cinsiyet | Tip | Kulüp/Şehir |
1 | | Samuel Bisnath, Kael | 7706880 | TTO | 1803 | | PCC | Presentation College Chaguanas |
2 | WCM | La Fleur, Zara | 7703848 | TTO | 1789 | w | SAGH | St. Augustine Girls High |
3 | | Ali, Reaz | 7712480 | TTO | 1694 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
4 | | Siewdass, Tristan | 7709340 | TTO | 1663 | | HILL | Hillview College |
5 | | Vassell, Isaiah | 7712421 | TTO | 1640 | | HILL | Hillview College |
6 | | Kumar, Alexandra | 7708300 | TTO | 1621 | w | BHS | Bishops Tobago |
7 | CM | Rampersad, Rayden | 7704100 | TTO | 1601 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
8 | | Gangaram, Navin | 7713266 | TTO | 1586 | | SSC | St. Stephen's College |
9 | | Marcelle, Ariel | 7709153 | TTO | 1576 | w | CESE | Couva East |
10 | | Mitchell, Deandre | 7711697 | TTO | 1575 | | MM | Miracle Ministries |
11 | | Sookraj, Sameer | 7713363 | TTO | 1568 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
12 | | James, Levi | 7708726 | TTO | 1567 | | TCE | Trinity College East |
13 | | Bharath, Sameer | 7705832 | TTO | 1564 | | VBHC | Vishnu Boy's Hindu College |
14 | | Prabhakar, Chandresh | 7707754 | TTO | 1554 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
15 | | Paul, Jesu | 7712090 | TTO | 1553 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
16 | | Bramble, Dereon | 7713436 | TTO | 1552 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
17 | | Ramdial, Gabriel | 7709870 | TTO | 1551 | | HILL | Hillview College |
18 | | Sampath, Aditya | 7705905 | TTO | 1533 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
19 | | Lewis, Maliq | 7711662 | TTO | 1527 | | HCC | Holy Cross College |
20 | | Singh, Arjun | 7710364 | TTO | 1525 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
21 | | Khan, Elizabeth | 7710410 | TTO | 1521 | w | BA | Bishops Anstey |
22 | | Gillette, Luke | 7706111 | TTO | 1520 | | FC | Fatima College |
23 | | Baptiste, Vade | 7708181 | TTO | 1516 | | SGC | St. George's College |
24 | | Ramdass, Jonathan | 7705875 | TTO | 1513 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
25 | | Rampersad, Veer | 7708378 | TTO | 1508 | | PCC | Presentation College Chaguanas |
26 | | Laing, Raquel | 7707851 | TTO | 1499 | w | NGHS | Naparima Girls High School |
27 | | Nurse, Xavier | 7707606 | TTO | 1499 | | FC | Fatima College |
28 | | Ramnarine Singh, Aradhana | 7706006 | TTO | 1493 | w | NGHS | Naparima Girls High School |
29 | | Austin, Angelo | 7712340 | TTO | 1486 | | SJS | St. James Secondary |
30 | | Sookoor, Sameer | 7703937 | TTO | 1486 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
31 | | Gopaul, Aditya | 7712677 | TTO | 1471 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
32 | | Dolly, Samantha | 7709986 | TTO | 1470 | w | SAGH | St. Augustine Girls High |
33 | | Maharaj, Sanat | 7705085 | TTO | 1465 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
34 | | Choi, Jinhyeok | 7712561 | TTO | 1459 | | FC | Fatima College |
35 | | Chaitram, Aaron | 7705026 | TTO | 1458 | | FC | Fatima College |
36 | | Chaitram, Aiden | 7705018 | TTO | 1456 | | FC | Fatima College |
37 | | Ramdatt, Nilesh | 7713070 | TTO | 1447 | | PCC | Presentation College Chaguanas |
38 | | Mohammed, Shasmeen | 7707940 | TTO | 1446 | w | CESE | Couva East |
39 | | Lutawan, Adrian | 7706898 | TTO | 1440 | | CIC | St. Mary's College |
40 | | Maharaj, Amrit | 7709129 | TTO | 1438 | | TCE | Trinity College East |
41 | | Dookran, Rhys | 7712642 | TTO | 1434 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
42 | | Duffrin, Adelia | 7709706 | TTO | 1431 | w | SSC | St. Stephen's College |
43 | | Seegoolam, Aiden | 7710283 | TTO | 1428 | | HILL | Hillview College |
44 | | Ince, Daniel | 7707517 | TTO | 1423 | | FC | Fatima College |
45 | | Gillette, James | 7705859 | TTO | 1422 | | TBA | The British Academy |
46 | | Joseph, Zaa`van | 7707525 | TTO | 1420 | | CIC | St. Mary's College |
47 | | Laing, Adam | 7709927 | TTO | 1420 | | FC | Fatima College |
48 | | Jogie, Ari | 7711611 | TTO | 1418 | | FC | Fatima College |
49 | | Rambally, Arjun | 7709250 | TTO | 1415 | | PCC | Presentation College Chaguanas |
50 | | Mohan, Sofia | 7709196 | TTO | 1410 | w | CESE | Couva East |
51 | | Adam, Ashvin | 7707428 | TTO | 1406 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
52 | | Ramkissoon, Adam | 7712359 | TTO | 1406 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
53 | | Price, Damon | 7711204 | TTO | 1404 | | TCE | Trinity College East |
54 | | Abdool, Aiden | 7712430 | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
55 | | Abdool, Nathaniel | 7712448 | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
56 | | Achee, Aaliyah | | TTO | 0 | w | ROSE | Rosewood |
57 | | Adam, Arav | 7711433 | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
58 | | Aguillera, Rokayla | | TTO | 0 | w | SJCS | St. Joseph Convent |
59 | | Akow, Christopher | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
60 | | Algoe, Chandini | | TTO | 0 | | HNC | Holy Name Convent |
61 | | Ali, Adeem | 7708807 | TTO | 0 | | PCC | Presentation College Chaguanas |
62 | | Ali, Alexis | | TTO | 0 | w | NGHS | Naparima Girls High School |
63 | | Ali, Jason | 7712472 | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
64 | | Allen, Jyallon | | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
65 | | Allen, Zuriel | | TTO | 0 | | ACS | Arima Central Secondary |
66 | | Allum, Dominic | 7706901 | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
67 | | Ayres, Caleb | 7713517 | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
68 | | Baboolal, Veyron | 7714327 | TTO | 0 | | CESE | Couva East |
69 | | Balliram, Daniel | | TTO | 0 | | SSC | St. Stephen's College |
70 | | Balroop, Jessica | 7712529 | TTO | 0 | w | BA | Bishops Anstey |
71 | | Barrow, Ayden | 7712537 | TTO | 0 | | QRC | Queen's Royal College |
72 | | Benjamin, Akeem | 7710640 | TTO | 0 | | SFCS | Sando Central Secondary |
73 | | Bernard, Omari | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
74 | | Biptah, Javed | | TTO | 0 | | HILL | Hillview College |
75 | | Boodoo, Brendan | | TTO | 0 | | SHIV | Shiva Boy's |
76 | | Boodoo, Brettlee | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
77 | | Borneo, Arcanjo | 7710844 | TTO | 0 | | HCC | Holy Cross College |
78 | | Bridglal, Avin | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
79 | | Brown, Mikhail | | TTO | 0 | | TCE | Trinity College East |
80 | | Campo, Caleb | | TTO | 0 | | HILL | Hillview College |
81 | | Cayeane, Jaheim | | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
82 | | Chandrika, Marie | | TTO | 0 | | CESE | Couva East |
83 | | Claxton, Nathaniel | 7706235 | TTO | 0 | | IHS | Iere High School |
84 | | Coltis, Jolle | | TTO | 0 | w | HNC | Holy Name Convent |
85 | | Craig, Kyle | | TTO | 0 | | CESE | Couva East |
86 | | Dabee, Brandon | | TTO | 0 | | IHS | Iere High School |
87 | | Daniell, Levi | | TTO | 0 | | FC | Fatima College |
88 | | Downes, Milton | | TTO | 0 | | SSC | St. Stephen's College |
89 | | Felix, Jeremiah | | TTO | 0 | | HILL | Hillview College |
90 | | Forbes, Veronica | | TTO | 0 | w | IHS | Iere High School |
91 | | Francis, Esa | | TTO | 0 | | HILL | Hillview College |
92 | | Francis, Zaeem | | TTO | 0 | | HILL | Hillview College |
93 | | Ganpath, Liam | | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
94 | | Harrinanan, Arianna | | TTO | 0 | w | IHS | Iere High School |
95 | | Harry, Justin | | TTO | 0 | | IHS | Iere High School |
96 | | Harrypersad, Aaron | 7712685 | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
97 | | Hector, Charles | | TTO | 0 | | BSS | Barataria South Secondary |
98 | | Irish, Naima | | TTO | 0 | w | SGC | St. George's College |
99 | | Jagesar, Savir | | TTO | 0 | | CESE | Couva East |
100 | | Jaggan, Rhys | | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
101 | | Jaipaul, Aiden | | TTO | 0 | | IHS | Iere High School |
102 | | Jamunar, Shiveer | 7711026 | TTO | 0 | | CIC | St. Mary's College |
103 | | John, Casimir | | TTO | 0 | | HILL | Hillview College |
104 | | John, Gabrielle | 7712405 | TTO | 0 | w | SAGH | St. Augustine Girls High |
105 | | John, Kai | 7710259 | TTO | 0 | | HILL | Hillview College |
106 | | Khan, Abdullah | | TTO | 0 | | CESE | Couva East |
107 | | Khan, Ahmad | | TTO | 0 | | CESE | Couva East |
108 | | Khan, Brendon | 7712758 | TTO | 0 | | SSC | St. Stephen's College |
109 | | Khan, Mohammed | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
110 | | Kistow, Joash | | TTO | 0 | | HCC | Holy Cross College |
111 | | Koo, Benjamin | 7711085 | TTO | 0 | | CIC | St. Mary's College |
112 | | Kromotaroneo, Micklan | | TTO | 0 | | IHS | Iere High School |
113 | | Lalla, Kaveri | | TTO | 0 | w | HFCC | Holy Faith Convent Couva |
114 | | Lau, Jacek | | TTO | 0 | | HILL | Hillview College |
115 | | Lezama, Jeremiah | 7712812 | TTO | 0 | | SGC | St. George's College |
116 | | London, Nathan | | TTO | 0 | | CESE | Couva East |
117 | | Lutchman, Sarvin | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
118 | | Lutchman, Varun | 7712820 | TTO | 0 | | SSC | St. Stephen's College |
119 | | Mahabir, Wyat | | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
120 | | Maharaj, Anasuriya Seeram | 7706162 | TTO | 0 | w | NGHS | Naparima Girls High School |
121 | | Maharaj, Aravind | | TTO | 0 | | CESE | Couva East |
122 | | Maharaj, Javed | 7705077 | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
123 | | Maharaj, Keshav | | TTO | 0 | | SGC | St. George's College |
124 | | Mahase, Nikash | 7712847 | TTO | 0 | | MM | Miracle Ministries |
125 | | Manchouck, Eli | | TTO | 0 | | HILL | Hillview College |
126 | | Manswell, Castillo | 7713452 | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
127 | | Mcclatchie, Zephaniah | 7712871 | TTO | 0 | | TCE | Trinity College East |
128 | | Mendoza, Rosalia | | TTO | 0 | w | SAGH | St. Augustine Girls High |
129 | | Mieres, Aaron | | TTO | 0 | | SGC | St. George's College |
130 | | Mohammed, Joshua | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
131 | | Mohammed Kanhai, Princess | | TTO | 0 | w | IHS | Iere High School |
132 | | Mohammed, Naeem | | TTO | 0 | | CESE | Couva East |
133 | | Mohammed, Samiyah | 7710194 | TTO | 0 | w | CESE | Couva East |
134 | | Mohammed, Suri | | TTO | 0 | w | SAGH | St. Augustine Girls High |
135 | | Mohammed, Zahid | 7712898 | TTO | 0 | | IHS | Iere High School |
136 | | Mohan, Adrian | 7712901 | TTO | 0 | | IHS | Iere High School |
137 | | Mohan, Rikesh | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
138 | | Moore, Malaki | | TTO | 0 | | IHS | Iere High School |
139 | | Murally, Arian | 7714416 | TTO | 0 | w | SJCS | St. Joseph Convent |
140 | | Nagassar, Isabella | | TTO | 0 | w | SAGH | St. Augustine Girls High |
141 | | Naitram, Tiberius | | TTO | 0 | | HILL | Hillview College |
142 | | Neptune, Jeremiah | 7709200 | TTO | 0 | | IHS | Iere High School |
143 | | Nero, Aubrianna | 7711700 | TTO | 0 | w | SJCS | St. Joseph Convent |
144 | | Odiase, Aisosa | | TTO | 0 | | SGC | St. George's College |
145 | | O'Niel, Yohance | | TTO | 0 | | QRC | Queen's Royal College |
146 | | Philip, Dejon | | TTO | 0 | | SGC | St. George's College |
147 | | Phillips, Michael | | TTO | 0 | | SGC | St. George's College |
148 | | Price, Aidan | 7711190 | TTO | 0 | | TCE | Trinity College East |
149 | | Prince, Josiah | | TTO | 0 | | SGC | St. George's College |
150 | | Pun, Ka Hei | 7709242 | TTO | 0 | | HILL | Hillview College |
151 | | Ragoonath, Kieron | 7713037 | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
152 | | Ramcharan, Arona | | TTO | 0 | w | IHS | Iere High School |
153 | | Ramdeen, Ronak | | TTO | 0 | | BES | Barrackpore East |
154 | | Rampartap, Shivraj | | TTO | 0 | | HILL | Hillview College |
155 | | Rampersad, Anish | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
156 | | Ramphal, Shivum | 7709307 | TTO | 0 | | IHS | Iere High School |
157 | | Ramrattan, Jacob | 7709935 | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
158 | | Ramrattan, Joshua | 7709943 | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
159 | | Ramsankar, Alexander | | TTO | 0 | | BES | Barrackpore East |
160 | | Ramsaroop, Sandhya | 7714718 | TTO | 0 | w | CESE | Couva East |
161 | | Razack, Sharona-Marie | 7713100 | TTO | 0 | w | HFCC | Holy Faith Convent Couva |
162 | | Rennie, Lemuel | 7713118 | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
163 | | Reyes, Charlotte | | TTO | 0 | w | HNC | Holy Name Convent |
164 | | Roach, Jason | | TTO | 0 | | FC | Fatima College |
165 | | Robinson, Adrianna | | TTO | 0 | w | SGC | St. George's College |
166 | | Robinson, Arun | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
167 | | Roopchand, Raeyal | | TTO | 0 | | HILL | Hillview College |
168 | | Samsingh, Rianna | | TTO | 0 | | HFCC | Holy Faith Convent Couva |
169 | | Samsundar, Rhys | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
170 | | Samuel, Destiny | | TTO | 0 | w | SAGH | St. Augustine Girls High |
171 | | Sawh, Rudra | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
172 | | Seemungal, Nicholas | | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
173 | | Seercharan, Triston | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
174 | | Singh, Zayden | 7714769 | TTO | 0 | | PCC | Presentation College Chaguanas |
175 | | Solomon, Xavi | | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
176 | | Soodhoo, Kavi | 7708386 | TTO | 0 | | PCC | Presentation College Chaguanas |
177 | | Sookdeo, Devesh | | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
178 | | Soom, Kaveer | 7711360 | TTO | 0 | | PCC | Presentation College Chaguanas |
179 | | St. Louis, Zachary | | TTO | 0 | | SGC | St. George's College |
180 | | Subhanee, Brendon | 7707347 | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
181 | | Suchit, Sachin | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
182 | | Surajbally, Arun | | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
183 | | Thomas, Angelo | 7713193 | TTO | 0 | | BAT6 | Bishops Anstey Trinity Form 6 |
184 | | Thomas, Chad Elias | 7714777 | TTO | 0 | | RCW | Rio Claro West Secondary |
185 | | Toolsie, Mikyle | | TTO | 0 | | TCE | Trinity College East |
186 | | Vijayakumar, Katherine | | TTO | 0 | w | SAGH | St. Augustine Girls High |
187 | | Wellington, Dimitri | | TTO | 0 | | SSC | St. Stephen's College |
188 | | Williams, David | 7707401 | TTO | 0 | | NAPS | Naparima College |
189 | | Young Hoi, Mark | | TTO | 0 | | PCS | Presentation College Sando |
190 | | Zhan, Julian | 7711875 | TTO | 0 | | FC | Fatima College |